(uploaded 2007.10.15)
On Tuesday 23 October 2007 (afternoon) a Seminar Why
and how to legislate on metrology? will be held at the Okura Garden
Hotel in conjunction with the 42nd CIML Meeting.
The OIML is organizing this event in conjunction with
the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as partner
organizations of the Joint Committee on Coordination of Technical Assistance
to Developing Countries in Metrology, Accreditation and Standardization
Aimed at a wide audience of Legal Metrology professionals,
this Seminar will address a number of strategic issues such as:
- how to maximize the benefits from the work of International
Organizations such as the OIML, UNIDO and those they work closely with,
- fields of metrology most commonly addressed in national
- centralized or decentralized policies,
- privatized versus state-run metrology activities, and
- sharing resources with neighboring countries.
Presentations will be given by the BIML, UNIDO and by
representatives of a number of OIML Member States on the development of
OIML D 1 Elements for a Law on Metrology and how this fundamental
Document may be used by countries wishing to compile their own specific
Legal Metrology legislation.
Examples will be given on how new laws on metrology have
been developed in various countries. What were the outcomes, what difficulties
or challenges were encountered and very importantly how were these overcome,
and where was assistance and professional advice available from.
This Seminar is open to delegates from all OIML Member
States and Corresponding Members - please register here.