Below is a step by step illustrated procedure to assist
you in registering online for the 42nd CIML Meeting and the OIML Seminar
on D 1.
This page only contains
screen copy images of the
actual pages displayed
during the registration process.
The Registration page is HERE
1) Click the registration button as in the image below:
2) Enter the general Member login and password
as in the image below:
3) You will then be prompted to enter your individual
Member login (your 2-digit ISO country code, e.g. BE for Belgium, NL for
The Netherlands, CA for Canada, etc.) and personal password as in the
image below. Note: you may retrieve your personal password from this
page, providing that your e-mail corresponds to the e-mail entered
in our database for your country. If you are unable to retrieve your password
(e-mail changed, etc.) please contact the BIML and we will e-mail you
your password directly:
4) Next, select two Member States from the pull-down list
to whom you give a proxy in the event that you are unable to be present
in the meeting room when voting takes place. These two countries are recorded
as soon as you select them but may be changed later if required.
5) Click the button "Add a Delegate", which will give you the
screen below. If more than one Delegate will be attending the CIML Meeting
from your country, please fill out one form per Delegate. Remember to
tick (check) the "Will attend" boxes for the CIML Meeting and
Seminar as appropriate, as in the image below. Once entered, each delegate
will appear in a table at the bottom of the Registration page.
Once you have entered all the Delegates (registering each one using the
button "Add The Delegate" above), press the "FINISH"
button once, as in the image under section 3 above.
If you
do not press the FINISH button your registration will not be complete!
7) You will receive a system-generated e-mail confirmation of your registration.
If this is OK you do not need to take action, however if there are any
errors you may correct them by repeating the above process and making
the required amendments.
8) If you wish to reserve hotel accommodation please download the Word
or PDF form at the top of the "Accommodation"
page to make the necessary arrangements.
9) Should you encounter any technical difficulties please contact